Feedback Zone

Friends & Family Test
All comments left via the Friends and Family Test are anonymous. It's a great boost to team morale when patients leave us comments about our service.
We also want to hear from you if there are things we can improve. However, we are unable to respond to comments submitted via the Friends and Family Test, so if you'd like us to investigate anything, or complain, please use the make a complaint option below.
We report on the data collected through the Friends and Family Test on a monthly basis.
We make every effort to give the best service possible to everyone who attends our practice.
However, we are aware that things can go wrong resulting in a patient feeling that they have a genuine cause for complaint. If this is so, we would wish for the matter to be settled as quickly, and as amicably, as possible.
To pursue a complaint please use the complaints form below and email and include your full name, date of birth, and contact details so we can get back to you. If your complaint involves the care of another adult we will require their written consent.
You can find out more about our complaints policy and your options for compaints in the leaflet below.
Complaints Leaflet LARGE PRINT
How to make a complaint EASY READ LEAFLET
We report on Complaints data annually to NHS England.

Februray 2025 Patient Comments

The Worker Protection Bill (Equality Act 2010)
Rose Medical Practice take the harassing of our staff in terms of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, disability or religion very seriously. Please note we have a ‘zero tolerance’ policy towards this type of behaviour and anyone found harassing our staff or aligned colleagues in this way will be removed from their registered practice's list immediately and without further warning.
For more information on this change please see Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Bill - Parliamentary Bills - UK Parliament
The National Patient Survey results are in for 2024 and once again, our practice results are excellent. 92% of our patients who responded, scored us as good or very good for overall patient experience which makes us joint second for overall experience out of all the practice's in Huddersfield! Thank you for taking the time to complete and return the survey if you were sent one. If you'd like to see the results in more detail or compare us with other local practices you can do so at Patient Experience (

As part of Tolson Primary Care Network we are happy to share the Newsletter for our practice group with you all. Please find below the lastest and previous editions explaining what Tolson PCN are doing, how they work, and upcoming events.
Latest Edition Tolson PCN Newsletter Autumn 2024 edition.pdf
Previous Editions
Tolson PCN Newsletter Summer 2024 edition.pdf
Tolson PCN Newsletter Spring 2024 edition.pdf
Tolson PCN Newsletter Winter 2023.pdf