Safe Places & Safe Surgeries
Safe Places
In August 2014 we were trained to become a Safe Place under Mencap Kirklees' Safer Places Scheme for vulnerable people. This means that we provide a safe haven for people to turn to should they need support for any reason such as losing a purse/bus pass, becoming disorientated/lost or being the victim of a crime. This means we are ready and willing to provide assistance to a vulnerable person should they need it. We display our Safe Places sign in the window which matches the picture on the member's cards. For more information on this scheme please click here

Safe Surgeries
We want to provide a welcoming environment for everyone in our comunity and an equitable service for all of our patients. We have joined Safe Surgeries in order to work with Doctors of the World in trying to address barriers to primary care faced by migrants in vulnerable circumstances, including refugees and survivors of trafficking.
Everyone living in the UK is entitled to register and consult with a GP. It means we can prevent and treat illness early and create a healthier society for everyone.
Patients may be migrants in vulnerable circumstances, who may feel prevented from registering with a GP by administrative, language or other barriers. They include pregnant women, survivors of trafficking and people who have fled war, unable to get the healthcare they need.
You don't need ID to register with us
You don't need to show a visa or proof of immigration status
You will have access to interpreter services if you need them