About Us
Based in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire near the town centre, this surgery provides high-quality healthcare service to patients in the area. Our building is on the corner of Fitzwilliam St and Wentworth Street with the main entrance on Wentworth Street with ramp access.
We have excellent public transport links and offer on-street parking on the surrounding roads. Please watch out for 'permit only' parking sections we have very keen traffic wardens.
Our Doctors, nurses, and all our other staff are dedicated to offering a professional but friendly service and we offer a mix of skills to ensure our patients see the right clinician for the right treatment whilst also offering a choice of clinical staff.
Telephone consultations are also offered to help those who cannot get to the surgery during working hours and home visits for those patients who are clinically unable to access the surgery due to the severity of their condition.
We run many clinics for chronic disease care and offer a wide variety of other medical services such as antenatal and postnatal care, minor surgery, childhood vaccinations, contraception, and STD testing, as well as well-person check-ups.
- Check out our practice profile, rating and patient's comments on the NHS website - click here
- For the latest information why not follow us on Twitter @medical_rose
All of our patients are allocated to an accountable GP within 21 days of registering and informed of this at their registration appointment. We have two permanent GPs, Dr Singh (M) & Dr Ali (M), who our patients are allocated to. This does not mean that you cannot see any of our other clinicians, it just means that that particular GP has overall responsibility for the care you receive from his practice team.

Greener Practice
We all want to do what we can to reduce the damage we do to our planet. Little things can really help contribute to a large impact.
At this practice;
- we participated in Shred-it's shredding and recycling programme and saved 16 trees from destruction
- in 2019 we replaced our windows with double glazing
- we disconnected our fax machine saving even more paper
- during 2020-2021 we replaced our traditional lights with low-energy LED lighting
- we recycle ink cartridges & used stamps via Kirkwood Hospice
- we use a company for the destruction of our confidential waste who recycle the shredding and make new things, they also plant trees based on how much waste we send them
- for our mailouts we use Docmail who plant trees for any paper they use
- we maximised our use of electronic prescribing straight to pharmacy so you’re not driving around to collect a piece of paper
- in 2019 we replaced our boilers with more energy efficient new models
How you can help: Please ensure we have your up to date mobile and email address, that way, when we need to contact you, we can use these methods rather than create more paper waste!
Thank you for your support
CQC Inspection & Rating
We were inspected by the CQC on 15th September 2022 and rated GOOD.
We were rated GOOD for each of the 5 areas; Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, and Well-led
The full report is available to read here.